A typical project would start with a presentation to the school as part of the school assembly showing examples of my work and describing the techniques involved with carving wood and other materials. After this I lead a creative workshop in the classroom usually based on a theme and the children  produce  drawings which might be a design for a sculpture. I then choose a selection of these drawings and then transfer the 2D designs into sculptures in my workshop. After the sculptures are complete I return them to the school for installation. Sometimes I work on the sculpture at the school and the children like to watch  or even experience using a chisel and mallet. Wood carving is harder than it looks and although the children are unlikely to produce a masterpiece they will enjoy the experience and feel a sense of achievement. I have public liability insurance and risk assessments are also supplied for your records. Safety is of paramount importance and children wear goggles when working with chisels or watching others do so.

Queniborough C of E Primary School

A Reflective space I created with the children of Queniborough C of E Primary School

St Mary’s Church of England Primary School

Liam has helped us to transform our rather overgrown Eco Area into a haven for exploration and contemplation. Children love working outdoors with Liam, teachers think it’s fantastic that children are able to develop skills outside the classroom and the wildlife has quickly settled back in to our newly developed space! Katie Ford, St Marys Melton

This project with young people from St Mary’s Melton was to create a reflective space that could also be used as an outdoor classroom.The young people helped clear and design the space.  They learnt to carve wood using chisels and how to realise a 3D finished piece from a drawing.  The project completely transformed the unused area with a cleared and fenced off  pond , I also made a new wooden gate and story chair from reclaimed wood. Included are 2 large tables and benches, one of them is covered and  both are fixed into the ground, several separate movable seats and benches, a new path and 2 sculptures.

King Richard III Primary School

Hand Made benches and table

This seating project at King Richard III Primary School was completed in association with Soft Touch Arts.  This project began with a whole school assembly where I talked about my work as an artist.  A creative drawing activity followed with one of the classes and selected drawings done by the children were chosen to make different sculptures for use as seating in the school grounds.   The wood used was taken from trees that had been felled in the school grounds.


Barwell Church of England Academy

The aim of this project was to create a series of twelve sculptures to exhibit in the library on the theme of spiritual space with Year 3 pupils from Barwell Academy.

The project began with a whole school assembly then a day with the children from Year 3 designing possible sculptures followed by three days practical carving workshops with Years 3, 4 and 5 and then several days to complete the work off site.  As part of the project, I delivered one additional day creative teacher training.

Liam has worked with all children from our school in designing and fashioning spiritually uplifting sculptures in wood. In this project Liam found inspirational ways of involving large numbers of pupils in the design process and enabled our children to feel a real sense of ownership, achievement and pride in the part they played with Liam in producing these wonderful works of art.

Brenda Davies, Headteacher, Barwell Church of England Academy

William Knibb Youth Centre

William Knibb in association with Fermynwoods. I have run a series of workshops with young people between the ages of twelve and fifteen. The activities I have delivered are stone carving, stick making, drawing with objects and wood carving.

Mark Making with Fire
Mark Making with Fire
Learning to use the saw
Learning to use the saw