Example School Project 1 –

Design and wood carving with all school pupils

School Project 1 outline

This project at the King Richard III school involved participation with all of the children in the school, who each had the opportunity to try wood carving and designing.  I worked with the children to design and draw ideas for seats, and I then took the designs and carved them.  I then installed the finished carvings at the school and gave a presentation to the school at the end of the project.

School Project 1 timeline

  • Planning and meetings – 1 week
  • Sessions in the classroom with pupils, 10 afternoon sessions carried out over 2 weeks.
  • Carving – 3 weeks
  • Installation – and presentation / opening ceremony – 1 day

School Project 1 sample costs

The cost for a project of this size, involving all of the pupils at the school and creating and installing 5 carvings would be in the region of £4000.  Please  Get in Touch to discuss your ideas for a project, and I will be happy to give you a quote.

Example School Project 2 –

Design and carving 2 sessions and sculpture

School Project 2 outline

This project involved two design wood carving sessions with a selected group of pupils from the school. I then created a sculpture piece based on the pupil’s designs which I then installed. At the opening ceremony at which I gave a  talk to the pupils about the importance of art and creativity and to share my experiences of working with sculpture.

School Project 2 timeline

  • Planning and meetings – 1 week
  • Sessions in the classroom with pupils, 2 sessions.
  • Creation of a sculpture – 2 weeks
  • Installation – and presentation/opening ceremony – 1 day

School Project 2 sample costs

The cost for a project of this size, including planning, 2 sessions with the pupils and creating and installing 1 sculpture would be in the region of £1500.  Please Get in Touch to discuss your ideas for a project, and I will be happy to give you a quote.

Example School Project 3 –

Sculpture and 1 day carving with pupils

School Project 3 outline

This project was completed at Houghton the Hill School and involved the creation and installation of a wooden sculptural piece.  Pupils worked with me to carve designs on the sculpture when it was installed.

School Project 3 timeline

  • Planning and meetings – 1 week
  • Creation of a sculpture – 2 weeks
  • Installation – and carving session with 20 pupils – 1 day

School Project 3 sample costs

The cost for a project of this size, including planning, 1 session with the pupils and creating and installing 1 sculpture would be in the region of £500.  Please Get in Touch to discuss your ideas for a project, and I will be happy to give you a quote.