We have been running the Plot to Pot allotment project for six years, funded by Awards For All for the past three years. On Tuesday afternoons, we meet with the folks from Age UK at the allotment, with the poly-tunnel and cosy shed providing indoor spaces if the weather’s inclement. We meet and chat, grow fruit and vegetables, relax and laugh and share our troubles and solutions.

The lovely ladies from Age UK – Leicester

Our community allotment aims to provide a place where people can meet and form relationships with other carers and access peer support. Our aim is to provide gardening sessions and creative workshops to help with mental health by providing relaxation and a welcome respite, and to help people to feel more connected. We also want to invite along and work with the people that are cared for, who face issues such as dementia or profound learning difficulties.

Our new raised planting area from recycled materials

Many of our participants have age-related mobility issues, so in June of this year, we flattened and extended the path to help with wheelchair and walking stick access and added waist height raised beds made from recycled materials saved from landfill

Delicious Dudhi

We now grow a lot of specialist plants from India such as dudhi (bottle gourd), brinjal (Indian aubergines) and chick peas. 

When the sun shines we have pot-luck picnics at the allotment where we swap stories and recipes.

Fun with wool

We will also offer a weekly session with craft activities with adaptable activities designed with older people with differing skill and mobility levels in mind. The program of activities we offer include drumming, macrame, beading, painting, cooking and green wood working.